keynotes + programs to rebuild your organization's human skills.
optimized workplaces aren’t built on technical skills alone.

what's your people score?
What if there was a formula for forging better working relationships? Not just on the shop floor, but in the office, boardroom, and even at home? And what if having those human skills is the key to making work feel easier and more fun?

dare to draw: visual language for leaders
How would you describe your drawing skills? Bad? Sloppy? You’re not alone. But everyone CAN draw. And every leader should give it a shot. With scented markers and chalk pastels in hand, we’ll explore why.

are you "one of the guys"?
It takes a strong interpersonal communicator to recognize when “This is the way we’ve always done it,” works for some…but not everyone. This TED-style keynote was engineered to help teams contribute to gender equality one word at a time.

emcee = mc = make connections!
Connection is the keystone that transforms your event from a pile of beautiful building blocks into a cohesive arc of activities.
As your emcee, Emily Nichols helps participants Connect Better – to the content, the purpose, and each other.