dare to draw: visual language for leaders

a keynote that’s worth a thousand words…and then some!

many leaders describe their drawing skills as…sketchy.

But a leader who can express their ideas visually can build shared understanding. Soon, meetings and pitches become more engaging and your future vision comes sharply into focus.

Dare to Draw is a crash course in visual thinking. We’ll restore and rebuild the skills that came naturally before you traded crayons and markers for documents and spreadsheets.

⚠️ This program isn’t about fine art or perfect pictures. We produce leaders who can express ideas visually at the whiteboard – or at least, they’re willing to try!

in this program, you will…

  • Learn why visual thinking is so powerful
  • Start building a library of simple images to reuse regularly
  • Practice combining images into maps and story formats
  • Feel confident conveying ideas visually

this program is perfect for organizations…

  • Striving to get everyone “on the same page”
  • Struggling to align “the big picture” with daily operations
  • Engineering, manufacturing, technology, and related industries


  • Format: This is a highly interactive keynote/workshop. For best results changing hearts and minds, invite the whole company. If the CEO dares to draw, so will everyone else!
  • Throughout the program, participants will be sitting, standing, and drawing with brightly coloured markers on large format paper, so…
  • Participants should be spaced at half-density. i.e. if the room will be set up with round tables that seat eight, plan for four people per table.
  • Supplies required: large format drawing paper, markers, chalk pastels, index cards, and facial tissue. Exact materials specs (yes, they matter!) will be provided in Emily’s speaker agreement.
  • Timing: You’ll need time to distribute materials to the tables. Ideally, schedule this program for first thing in the morning or immediately after a break (assuming the break happens in a different space than the program).
  • Projection: Emily will draw on an easel or table on-stage. Both Emily and the drawing surface need to be projected on large screen(s) so that all participants can see and learn the drawing skills.

rave reviews

Michelle Toueini | Member Communications & Marketing Portfolio Manager, CSNM

We had the pleasure of welcoming Emily Nichols as the keynote speaker at our ONG Fall Event. Her ‘Dare to Draw‘ program was truly a game-changer. Many of us, as leaders, walked in thinking our drawing skills were lacking or that we simply couldn’t draw at all. But through Emily’s hands-on workshop, we quickly realized how powerful visual thinking can be in expressing ideas in a fresh and impactful way.

Emily has a unique gift for making drawing accessible, even to those who haven’t picked up a crayon since childhood. Her approach not only reawakened our creativity but also equipped us with practical tools to make our future meetings more engaging and effective. Thanks to ‘Dare to Draw,’ I now feel more confident in using visual thinking to bring clarity and creativity into my leadership.

We highly recommend Emily as a speaker for any event looking to teach new skills in a fun, interactive, and meaningful way!”

David Gouthro | Facilitator, Emcee

I first saw Emily’s presentation at the CAPS Convention and enjoyed it so much, I attended again two months later. She has this wonderful blend of really good content and enjoyable, dare I say whimsical, way of presenting it.

Maureen Callahan | Co-chair, NEWIEE New Hampshire

Emily is tremendously creative – like a splash of bold color in a field of grey.

simple sketches bring people together and create shared understanding.

it’s not the drawing that matters. it’s the drawing that matters